Scream 3
Important Points
- My least favorite ghostface
- I'm not a fan of most of the new class
- I wish there were more movie references in this other than just referencing the original

Scream 3 (2000) is the third installment in the Scream Franchise which attempts to be a love letter(?) to horror trilogies which retroactively is a little funny considering we are now on scream 6. This movie is my least favorite of all the sequels, I don’t like the new characters, this movie has the most questionable acting in the series, it felt so derivative of the original, and above all, the first half just fucking DRAGGED and it only really picked up once Sidney made it to Hollywood. I wish this movie was better but it’s not and I really don’t see myself ever watching it again personally.
As for things I liked about this movie, they are few and far between. Obviously, I still love Sid, no matter how bad the movie is Neve Campbell always knocks it out of the park, girlbossing her way to the finale. I also really liked Gale and Dewey throughout the movie even if I don’t like some of their acting later in the film. And as far as I can remember I think that’s it, that’s all I liked, which is crazy and also notice how it’s nothing new. Oh wait, I liked Randy’s inclusion, there, that’s officially all I liked.
I really didn’t like most of this movie. The first and probably biggest problem is the fucking voice-replicating magic bullshit throughout the movie. It was just so annoying and it was never used in an effective way. I felt like every time it was used I knew immediately and it just fucking pissed me off which sucks. On the topic of Ghostface, I also hated the fucking reveal, only one killer?? and he has the most random retcon of a motivation?? like it just fucking sucks. Also this is a very personal comment but I fucking hated that Billy and Stu’s autonomy was basically removed with the introduction of Roman like it just didn’t jive with me.
Overall, I thought the first half of this movie fucking dragged. I hated all of the new characters which didn’t fucking help so having to deal with them for the first 45 minutes without Sid was just a drag. Especially considering Gale and Dewey are fighting for the whole first part so it’s not even like I could truly enjoy those interactions. But yea moving on, I really didn’t like any of the new characters, I thought they were all over the top and annoying and it really didn’t help that my least favorite of the new cast is the one that is the most prominent throughout the film.
This movie is so fucking derivative for me. When you watch all of these movies one right after the other you really notice things like visual references and script references especially if it’s shot for shot or word for word. This movie is the movie where I noticed the most of this stuff and honestly I don’t mind this on it’s own, I’m the type of person who says shit like ‘he said the thing’ and genuinely means it, I usually love references even if they’re bad, but in this case they’re so prominent and the rest of the movie is so lackluster it really just feels like it’s trying to make up for the movies faults.
Oh and also, despite it being so derivative of the original this movie kinda drops all of the movie references which I definitely missed, other than Randy there was probably a total of 5 references throughout the rest of the film which is kinda crazy when you consider how chock full of references the first two movies were.
Overall, this movie was okay, it’s not like it was so bad that I was literally in pain watching it or anything. It’s just that, this series has such a high bar and for me, it really fucking sucked to see this movie fall so below the bar.