

Life has been so busy, I haven't had time to really sit down and work on my site. I made new friends and so I spent like 3 weeks just hanging out with them and then I went back to school which was stressful in it of itself, but now the first full week is down and I'm going into a long weekend so I can actually dedicate energy to keep working on this

I'm planning on trying some things out for this website this weekend and I don't know how long it will take, I'm still a beginner but I have delusional confidence so hopefully I can have some progress.

Other than that I don't really have much to do for my 3 day weekend, tomorrow I have a football game to go to which is exciting because I crave football season throughout the rest of the year, but besides that I just have my book to read and not much else. My roommate that I'm like actually friends with is gone too so we can't even go out and do stuff cause she went home like a loser. Hopefully this means I will work on this website but also it could just mean that I lay in my bed for 3 days straight and only leave for a few hours to watch football.


I ended up getting rid of my headers cause I was tired of them and couldn't think of an image that I wanted to replace it with so suprise. This makes me want to do a full overhaul of my site even more but I have to wait until after July 8th to do it. I have a big competition coming up that I have to prep for and I just don't have time to sit here and figure out what I want to do with my site/attempt hand-coding it.

This site was my first experience with coding period, and so I used the template that everyone uses cause it's just super accessible but I feel like I've outgrown it and I want to experiment with coding more but since I'm still pretty new I feel overwhelmed with all the possibilities so I feel it's just better to wait for when I have more time to just sit down and lose myself in trying things out you know?

6/14/24: Life Lately

This blog page has literally been sitting in my site files for months and I never did anything substantial with it but now I want a place on my site to yap endlessly and is that not what a blog is for?

I've been in a reading slump for the last 5 months but within the last couple of weeks I dragged myself out by my bare hands and now I'm like lowkey obsessed with reading. So far my favorite thing I've read, was the Phantom of the Opera which I managed to get done in two days because I was so enthralled and literally couldn't put it down. Right now I'm reading a sci-fi book called Fractal Noise that I found at the library and even with just the book summary on the flap I made a great decision. It's very dreadful and horrifying and sad and I'm so into it.

I feel like I need to get better at balancing my hobbies because what tends to happen is I get so consumed with one thing and then I neglected everything else, like me not touching this site for a couple weeks. But anyways, I think that's about everything I wanted to talk about, not much for today but I definitely will use my blog more extensively in the future.